I make no bones about my coffee addition. And, when I’m on the road, traveling to and from Seattle it’s with a portable espresso maker or french press. Many hotels stock Nespressos in room nows, but I always carry a backup (not joking about the caffeine jones).
Now another option for travel is a single-serving pour over from Pourtables in a Colombia, Tolima blend. Tear open the package, place the pouch in the cup, and pour in the water.
Get your Pourtables from Libra Coffee or Amazon. They cost $19.99 for a ten pack and I’ve got a couple in my bag—that’s $2.00 a cup or a little less than Starbucks. Tip: pour an initial ounce of water to dampen the grinds, then the other 5 ounces.
The Taste?
Remember that Juan Valdez commercial?
The coffee tasted like the memories that commercial evokes, and what you’d get in a fine coffee shop but with a genius, in-cup delivery device.
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