LOOK announced that they’re returning to an old-school, work-the-events, road-trip strategy to market their road bikes this year. That’s pretty much how the bike industry as we know it today was started in the US. Reps with bikes and gear at bike races. If you see them, def take one for a test ride. They’re defiantly French and fast.
Starting this spring and into the summer, a fleet of Volvo V90s will be deployed across the U.S. which include traditional road races, granfondos, gravel events, and cyclocross races, as well as custom events at LOOK retailers.
The LOOK NRS event tour includes Killington Stage Race, Hotter N Hell and Fitchburg Longsjo, and continues through Interbike Outdoor Demo. That’s 100+ events. The bikes on tour included the 795 Light RS, 785 Huez RS, and the 765 Optimum Disc All-Road.
Look will have their pedals with them too including the new KÉO 2 Max Carbon road pedals and X-Track off-road models.
Both of those I run for road and mountain.
The 765 starting at $4500 and fitting a 30mm tire interests me the most with disc brakes and their flax dampening layer in the carbon—sounds gimmicky, but it’s how they effectively tune their ride. And, one of my all-time fav bikes was the Museeuw, which also used flax.
LOOK taking their bikes to events is a great way to showcase the brand’s heritage and its exceptional 2018 offerings. . The demo bikes are also equipped with SRAM RED eTap, so you can try that out too. The V90s will carry the various bikes with Thule, another fav brand.
While my tastes have changed to riding road bikes on dirt and gravel with high volume tires, if you’re a go-fast racer type, or like to think of yourself as one, the 795 is the bike you’re looking for and one to consider.
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