Bike Hugger is a blog for the cycling enthusiast, for the commuter, and people getting into the cycling lifestyle. We’ve also got product reviews in…
BusinessWeek takes on the origami bike
BusinessWeek | A Commuter’s Secret Weapon BusinessWeek offers a look at folding bikes, including a comparison of a Brompton, a Birdy, Xootr’s Swift, and two…
One way to promote Bike Week
Treehugger | Bikes and Strikes in Toronto Toronto residents woke up yesterday morning to a general transit strike. As a result, bikes ruled the day,…
Now available: Strobing riding jackets
Stridelite + Cyclite Bright Night has introduced a line of jackets for runners and cyclists that take visibility to the next level. Reflective jackets have…
Cruise Speed
Cruise Speed Originally uploaded by est0al. Our Bikehugger picture of the day, posted yesterday. It’s our first freestyle/BMX photo of the day.
Ride report: Georgena Terry
T-Blog | We just want to ride The queen of women’s cycling weighs in with an account of a recent ride through Blackwater National Wildlife…
New York Times: don’t send world “back to their bicycles”
Aaron Naparstek | Party on Aaron Naparstek was a little taken aback by one sentence in a recent New York Times editorial. Overall, he agrees…
Fat Cyclist on cycle commuting
Fat Cyclist | Self-Importantly, I Agree to an Interview Elden over at FatCyclist did an interview with Dahon’s Christopher Hess for their newsletter. It touches…
High-end road bike demand surging
The Boston Globe | Would you spend $14,000 for this bike? Douglas Belkin writes about how high-end road bike sales, and prices, are through the…
No brakes down Lombard Street
Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2006 Bring Your Own Big Wheel is an annual Easter Day ride down San Francisco’s Lombard Street, the crookedest street…