I don’t know really. Project Y is a concept video that I’ll just let the the producers explain
A feature film created by the crew at Mythical State Of. We interviewed Scientists, Rabbis, Nutritionists, Anthropologists, Jungian Dream Therapists and a host of other experts with various fields of expertise. And we experimented on a control group of “Subject Athletes” while they trained and raced the Dirty Kanza 200, the world’s premier Sucks Event. And we put it all in a movie and that movie is called Project Y.
What I do appreciate and why I posting such weirdness is why not? Also, that Dirty Kanza is a thing now. It’s a media happening.
I think this is a docudrama about an event that seems very important to the people that attend it. Here’s what else was in the PR about Project Y.
It’s part of our shared, universal human experience. It’s been with us since the very beginning, it’s as old as fire. The Greeks discovered it. Modern Philosophy was invented, in part, to study it. In the absence of hunting and gathering and the need to survive old-school-style, in this post-industrial age of communication and virtual everything, it’s more ubiquitous and relevant than ever. But still, nobody really knows what it is or why it’s a thing. Nobody can say with certainty why humans— Subject Athletes—are compelled to push their Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional limits without causation. Until now.
Sounds good.
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