World Caliber Chainring


7/2611 Wes just medaled in the Kilo. A bronze in the Masters 35-39.

Our Bro Wes just got a 4th at Masters Track Nationals in the Mens 35 – 39 category on this 47 tooth chainring. His coach Jennie Reed loaned the ring to him. She previously used it to win bronze at the World Championships.

Wes also sent us this photo of his 60 MPH warmup, roller speed with that chainring.

How is that possible? A 97.6” drivetrain, spinning over 200 rpm. The sprints in Wes’ race were topping out at 41 MPH, on a 45 degree banked track with 2-3 Gs pushing you down. No wonder the athletes that win at this level are pushing 200 pounds.

Freight trains.

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