Waiting for the Sun to Come Up

Waiting for the sun to come up to build our travel bikes, after the inaugural Delta SEA to OGG flight, responded to a new friend, and her request on Facebook with

Hello Jennifer and thanks for the intro Jeremiah, timing-wise I’m on vacation and have reduced the amount I talk about bikes to a trickle. But see this Wired story. And this post. From there the snowbike tag. Fat bikes are great fun and also significantly improved, since I first started posting about them.

Back on the mainland in the new year, we’ve got a magazine issue dedicated to fatbikes and how, in the industry, a side or personal project will mature into a new category. What’s happening now with Trek and Spesh in the game, is the handling characteristics of each bike vary drastically. None bad, just loose like a tractor, all terrain like a jeep, short and tight with racing geo, or hauling like a semi.

If you’re at a resort or in a town with one like we were in Park City last week, absolutely get out there and try a fatbike. We descended slopes with them.

Now, back to building up the travel bikes, and riding island roads. Not taking about bikes too much, either.

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