View Real GPS Data From Tour Contenders

A few weeks ago I pointed at a Bicycling magazine article about the stats of pro cyclists vs. the mere mortal. Garmin’s just posted a bunch of real-world data from the Tour de France on the Garmin Connect site from Garmin Cervelo riders.. It’s pretty amazing stuff.

For example, on stage 18 (Pinerolo to Galibier) Christian Vande Velde climbed 16,627 ft at at average speed of 20.1 mph and a max speed of 53.5. He burned 5616 calories and put out an average power of 276 watts and peak of 821 watts. I’m actually shaking my head in disbelief as I write this—that’s an incredible power output.

It also looks like Tyler Farar forgets to turn off his Edge at the end of rides because he seems to have more miles than the posted recourse for the day and top speeds around 80 mph. In the Details section of the rides you can export the routes to Google Earth or send them to your GPS device, if you’d like to head out and ride the exact route. (Watch out for cars though.)

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