Twitter Giveaway

Webvisions–Portland, OR–May 22 & 23

Sponsored by Ibex

Ibex, Crumpler et al have given us a bunch of schwag to give away at Webvisions, so here’s how we’re doing it:

Follow us on Twitter. When you’ve received word back from us (via Twitter) that we’re following you, send us a direct tweet with the words “webvisions” in it. (If you don’t know how to do this, see below.)

That’s it. You’re in. Then during Webvisions on May 22 and 23, we’ll randomly select winners throughout each day. When we pick a name, we’ll send it out through Twitter with instructions for collecting the schwag. If you’re the winner, follow the instructions and it’s all yours. But, if you don’t follow the instructions, you’ll be out of luck. (Don’t worry–nothing weird. The instructions will be who won, what they won, and a time and place to pick up the prize.)

How to Follow Us on Twitter

  1. Go to Twitter. If you don’t have an account, create one. (Read more »)
  2. Now go to and click Follow.
  3. To get updates via SMS, turn device updates on (click on “Devices Updates” and then “On”). Make sure you’ve given Twitter a device to send them to. This is usually the fastest way to receive Twitter updates.
  4. Once we see you following us, we’ll reciprocate and send you a direct message to let you know. Once you receive it, go to the Twitter homepage and, in the what are you doing? box, type: d bikehugger webvisions

Fine Print

We’re using your email address to verify your identity but we’ll probably share it with our sponsors. If you don’t want us to do that, add the words no email to your entry Tweet. I.e., d bikehugger webvisions no email. Anyone can enter, but they must follow the instructions for entering the contest and collecting the prize.

Note we’re not spammers.

More at the Mobile Social

Learn more about the Twitter Giveaway during our Mobile Social event the day before Webvisions. Mobile Socials are an intersection of bikes, technology, and culture. They include an urban ride, reception, and schwag.

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