
LA Hallway

Timless hallway in LA

The LAX hallway that looks like a hangover feels, never changes. Same hangover. Timeless. When I shared this photo, friends responded

Interesting hallway, that. When in 1st grade (1964) our class took a field trip to LAX, which then had only recently been built into more or less it’s current form. Each terminal had a version of one of these mosaics, which depict the light and weather of a 24 hour day. I think only one of these is left, and is protected by Los Angeles. Weird what you remember after almost 50 years… – Phil

and from Therese

I was in 1st grade then as well. Grew up in Westchester and that hallway at terminal 2 (not literally – my dad was the special service manager for Pan Am there). We traveled the world in and out of that terminal multiple times a year and yes Byron it is timeless. Amazing how some things stay the same and others never change. I went on to work at American Airlines ticket counter on breaks from UCLA across the terminal and yes the same wall and hall greeted me every day at work, multiple times again throughout my days of higher learning. Not sure what I learned…

On this trip, at the end of that hallway, was a shuttle to Westwood Village for SRAM 22. The media is embargoed until Monday. We’re riding, testing, and learning about SRAM’s latest road group.

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