Scrape the Trouble Off Our Cleats Upcountry



We scrape the trouble off our cleats with this ride on the Kula Highway. It’s a thrilling, fast, twisty-curvy descent and a grueling grind of a climb back. With the road repaved to the county line, the ride is 20% more awesome and an annual tradition. We rode it on the last day of the year to remind ourselves how fast and fun we can go on the bike. Also for the work it takes to get back.


Facing storm clouds, we turned around early, had lunch at Ulupalakua Ranch, and finished at Harold Rice Park soaked through and tired. Upcountry the ride is through climate zones. Along the coast, it’s with trade winds.

Wicked Cloud This Way Comes

This year we stopped at Sun Yat Sen Park with its Taiwan connection and felt re-centered for 13 reading the statue inscriptions. Later ate Toshi Koshi Soba (Year-End Soba) with Kirin Ichiban at Izakaya Matsu for our New Years Party and then to bed.

Year-End Soba

A New Year’s Toast

We begin our year(s) with tired legs, another ride, and hope yours was good too.

This ride is photomapped on Google with high-rez photos on G+ and Flickr).

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