NuVinci Retrofit Kits

Tagging its product as the biggest drivetrain innovation in 50 years, NuVinci announced that Seattle Bike Supply will ship their continuously variable planetary (CVP) hub and CruiseController as a boxed and wheel kit.

Bike Hugger met with and rode a NuVinci bike while in Interbike and have been waiting for them to show up at a distributor. As cool as it is, and it is, will it only serve the “flat” markets where commuters, enthusiasts, and just people that want to ride don’t have to up any hills? In my first 4 Bettie shifts, I decided Bettie 2.0 (coming this fall) needed some sort of a different drivetrain: Nexus, NuVinci, or Rohloff.

We’re trying to get our hands on one of these kits for a detailed post and for our Bettie 2.0 tests.

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