Nokia N900 Bike Dashboard

It’s always interesting, the serendipity and connectedness of the Interwebs. Just when we announce the (un)Wired Future of Bicycles at Webvisions, where we’re presenting a series of Ignite-style presentations regarding the future of mobile bike apps, a story about a N900 phone turned into a bicycle computer hits the newswires.

Photo: Reuters Pictures via Daylife

Brett Peterson and his wife Sarah won Nokia’s Push N900 MOD in the USA contest. Their bike dashboard adaptation turns the N900 phone into a bicycle computer displaying speed, location and distance travelled.

That’s exactly what we’re interested in – smartphones on bikes and hope to see that from the new Windows Mobile, as well iPhones and iPads.

We’ve been talking about this for years now, with lots of good discussion.

Show us your Bike App

If you had five minutes on stage to talk about the Future of Bikes what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world, geeks have been putting together Ignites and we’re bringing the format to Webvisions with us.

We want to hear about integrating mobile technology and bikes. How you’re changing the world with bikes too. Submit your talk now. We’ll select the presenters next month.

The (un)Wired Future of Bicycles happens May 20, 2010 from 1:15 to 2:15 during Webvisions in Portland, Oregon.

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