New Years Day 15


A year ago, next week, we published issue 08 New Year New Rides and the theme was, “It’s a new year and we’re ready for new rides….”

Patrick Brady wrote our free cover story

I want to ride fast, as fast as possible because fast is where the fun is. And that’s what my personal time boils down to. When I’m on my time, me time, I’m chasing one thing: fun. I can define fun in at least a half dozen different ways, but the bottom line is that when I’m without requirement, then I do the thing that feeds itself. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote a book called “Flow” in which he laid out the foundation of our understanding about flow states—being “in the zone” or “in the groove.” It’s all the same. But the underpinning to this is a sevent-five cent word: autotelic. It means that the reward for doing something well is so intrinsic that you do it for no reason other than the doing. That’s cycling. That’s surfing. That’s video games. That’s sex.

Our next New Years issue drops in a few days and we hope your year includes bikes too…in the zone and a good groove.

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