A Clean Air Message from Peter Sagan

Of all that great things Peter Sagan’s is doing in the sport, his advocacy is the most unique. I can’t think of another athlete who’s advocated more and it seems he just thinks everyone should ride instead of drive so much.


In this clip, he’s commenting about new research from the C40 Cities revealing the scale of the potential health benefits that could be achieved by cities and regions implementing climate action and policies to clean the air that citizens breathe. The summary is

Climate Action Adds 3 Weeks to Average Life Expectancy of Every Citizen of Paris and Could Prevent 45,000 Premature Deaths Globally Each Year

And, the bullet points.

23% reduced risk of heart disease,

23% reduced risk of stroke, 

15% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,

14% reduced risk of depression,

12% reduced risk of breast cancer

11% reduced risk of dementia, and

8% reduced risk of colon cancer

As a cyclist with asthma, the findings are important to me and are based on research conducted by C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group with support from Johnson & Johnson on the wider benefits of climate action on air quality and health, and Novo Nordisk in connecting active mobility to climate and health. 

In April 2017, C40 and R20, organisations representing the most powerful cities, states and regions of the world including Paris, London, Mexico City, California, British Columbia and Gujurat State in India, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate to tackle climate change. C40 and R20 will collaborate across a range of issues, including accessing finance for climate action projects and supporting the next generation of women climate leaders.

In Paris tomorrow, at the One Planet Summit, the findings will get shared, along with Peter’s encouragement. 

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