Mark Finds His Idaho with Broken Cleats and Di2

mark v

Pacing and wondering how Mark V was doing at Reba’s ride, my phone buzzed just with these texts…

Apparently some Di2 shifters are temperature sensitive, or at least my front derailer won’t shift in anything over 60deg.

It was fuck all cold, 39deg this morning

And then!

Fuck broken cleats and electronic shifting, ol’ Gunsmoke here don’t need carbon fiber neither.

As I learned, you quickly find an Idaho you didn’t know on forest service roads. For me it was a smokey-haze, that had me running like my motor was plate restricted. For Mark, cleats and Di2 failed, and his ride ended early.

This after he got his required Chinese food!

Mark V Chinaloads before a race

Now he’s recuperating somewhere with a story to follow…

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