Lemond Drops a Bomb!

I’ll interrupt our normal bike blogging for stunning testimony today from Greg Lemond at the Landis arbitration hearing. Lemond told the courtroom that Landis implicitly admitted to him that he doped, that Landis’ business manger intimidated him before his testimony (and was fired on the spot in the courtroom), and that he was sexually abused as a child.

News Reports


(from the Dark Side of American Cycling) “A bitter and jealous old champion who has never received the adulation he feels he deserves, a dominant personality with a carefully protected image who is fighting to keep his name out of the mud that the rest of the cycling world is stained with, an Olympic champion who appears to have been a total fraud and an ornery Mennonite who’s business manager is pitifully trying to blackmail the bitter old champion with his childhood trauma.”

And my post from last year on not believing anything anymore.

It’s remarkable to see cycling pushed to the front of the sports sections, as seen in this screenshot from Google News.

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