Kits of Old, Gear that Sucked

It’s that time of year when team kits (describes matching team gear: shorts, jerseys, socks, arm warmers) have arrived or are arriving and I’m reminded of Kits of Old. Like the year we had smurf blue legs warmers shown here in this flattering photo.

One year we had arm coolers that actually made your arms colder. There was a curiously hot and cold jacket. Good and warm, but didn’t wick the sweat and would get freezing cold when the wind whipped up.

Worst ever was the Blik skin suit that was like a sauna suit – you sweated profusely in it. Good for losing weight, bad for staying hydrated. To add to the suffering, the pad was little more than a sponge.

I think we’ve all probably had clear raincoats that were wetter inside than out.

What’s been your worst kit or gear that sucked?

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