Interbike 13: Lea and Electra Girl

Lea Davison

Lea on a Crux with hydro disc

That’s Lea Davison chasing Katerina Nash to take 2nd at CrossVegas. I placed 15th in the media category and 117th overall out of 150+ starters. After surviving the insane Thunderdome start, rode right into a crash on turn one, stayed upright, and continued to the finish. It felt like a dustbuster’s motor had been reversed, shoved in my mouth, and turned on full blast. Later, my throat got real sore and I lost my voice during the Mobile Social. Uploaded the first batch of photos from both events: CrossVegas and Mobile Social, including video taken with Glass.

Electra Girl rides the Mobile Social with us

More on the racing, rides, and Interbike after some rest and a day off.

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