Finding gifts for cyclists

A reader just sent us Imagini Gift Finder that sorts gifts by your visual DNA (sort of like eHarmony with a 40 point personality profile or something). It’s fun to see all the choices and mine came back with a Life Cycle for a midwife in a developing country; the Cycloc, a simple solution for bike storage (big props for the Clip-n-Seal style minimalism) and a bicycle taxi.

Considering gift-giving, King County is publicizing it’s Waste Free Holiday program with “experience” merchants. For the past two years, our holidays and gifts have been trips and we’ll ride all over Maui again this year. In 07, we’re planning Bike Hugger tours and those will be experiences! Of course, we’ve got our store and the goods we sell.

Yesterday, and this amazed us, a friend told us she saw a Bike Hugger shirt at an airport. Cool. We hope more show up and check out more of the coolest cycling t-shirts and the Mudbunnies’ calendar.

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