Cleatless cycling shoes

I don’t wear cycling shoes when I commute – carrying a 2nd pair of shoes just to ride my bike seems a bit silly. I’m also just vein enough to really despise running shoes. Unfortunately for me, weak arches demand strong support and ever since they started jacking up the sensitivity on the magnetometers at the airport it’s very hard to find a pair of shoes with a steel shank. Enter the Patagonia Huckleberry – shoes with a steel shank. Not only that: they’ve done some toe-box magic to make it roomy without being boulbous (fits in toe-clips!); there’s a teeny tiny bit of eco-goodness in the shoe construction (30% recycled rubber, etc), and they come in bike hugger approved green.

I wouldn’t mind riding cleated shoes, if I could find something I could reasonably wear through the day and that didn’t look like I’d left the rest of my superhero outfit at home. What are y’all wearing on your rides?

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