Chasing Kasper Short Doc

Chasing Kasper Short Doc. The synopsis:

A bicycle, in its essence, is a way from one place to another. But sometimes it’s also a way through something.

For Tessa Treadway and her nine-year-old son Kasper, who lost husband and father Dave Treadway to a backcountry skiing accident in 2019, mountain biking has helped move them through grief.

For Kasper, it’s a hyper-focused outlet for his errant energy. For Tessa, it’s a break from the chaos of single motherhood, as she discovers the surprise gift of joy that flows from chasing her oldest son.

We haven’t experienced tragedy like the subjects of this the Chasing Kasper Short Doc. We do ride in the mountains to clear our heads and get regrounded.

Chasing Kasper Short Doc
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