Amazballed in a Book!

New book with me in it

On the shelf

A new book on the shelf at Hugga HQ is Transformations: Stories of Success from Authors, Innovators, and Small Businesses Thriving on Amazon and I’m in it! Best part about that is I didn’t have to write it, like the blogging one I did. It’s the Clip-n-Seal story summarized after several interviews with me and included with other business that have grown and succeeded with Fulfillment by Amazon. This past Holiday season, Amazon featured Clip-n-Seals on their homepage for about 5 weeks. That experience my friend Kevin Tamura called being Amazballed, like getting Fireballed by Gruber, or Slashdotted. The phenomena ebbs with this book and what’s important is if you’ve got a product, you can sell it too with FBA, like State Bicycles and other merchants.

Inside the book

The parent company of Bike Hugger, Textura Design, designed Clip-n-Seals in Seattle and manufactures them in Yakima, Wa. Transformations: Stories of Success from Authors, Innovators, and Small Businesses Thriving on Amazon is a free download for Kindle. If you want to try what we think is the best sealing device ever made and a best seller, Clip-n-Seals ship with Prime from warehouses all over the US and Canada to you.

Wanted to keep coffee and chips fresh

The idea for them started over a decade ago, when I wanted to keep my coffee fresh on road trips to bike races and tours. Never expected they’d end up in space or on the homepage of Amazon.

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